Saturday, June 27, 2015

Spaghetti Dinner!

Tonight we decided to head out and get some spaghetti for dinner.  I don't know why, but Madison and Jack were both cracking me up!  They really enjoyed dinner and we were laughing all night!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day Fun!

Happy Father's Day Jon!  We sure are lucky to have you in our lives!  We hope you enjoyed your day! 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Staph Infection

Two days after Madison had her pins removed from her elbow, she started running a fever and just not feeling well.  Her arm started to swell and got hot to the touch.  Monday, Jon took her in to see the surgeon since the elbow was really swollen.  He basically took one look at it and sent her back to the Main Campus of the Clinic for a second surgery.  Poor girl had to have an incision made and her elbow drained.  We earned ourselves almost a week stay at the Cleveland Clinic.  They had to send cultures out and infectious disease got involved.  They had to determine what type of infection she had.  They were afraid it was MRSA, which thank goodness it wasn't.  On Thursday we learned that it was Staph, but it was a strain that was very sensitive to antibiotics.  They were able to take her off the IV antibiotics and start on the oral.  We were able to go home on Friday with a nice 6 week supply of oral antibiotics.  It was a really long week, but it was nice to spend so much one on one time with Madison.  We had our little routine all figured out.  She enjoyed going down with me to Starbucks in the morning and taking a walk outside.  We then hit up the playroom and did some sort of craft.  Took a break and watched a movie, then Jon would come down and we would eat dinner together.  She also got to meet some PGA Golfers and the Umpires from the Cleveland Indians.  Our girl is such a trooper!  She didn't complain once!