Thursday, February 12, 2015

Madison Turns 5!

I'm not sure how this happened???  My baby girl turned 5 years old.  I don't know why, but 5 just seems so old.  She's not that cute little toddler running around anymore, she's a beautiful young lady learning and growing into her own person.  At 5, Madison is very outgoing, sweet, loving, stubborn, enthusiastic, talkative, and I know I already said this, but loving.  Our girl has the biggest heart out there.  She loves to make people happy, laugh, and smile.  She's also very smart! :)  She can count to 100, (with some reminders like 80 and 90).  She is starting to learn sight words and is always asking what letter words start with and the sounds that they make.  She is even starting to pick up on basic math, which is fantastic.  She is also learning French and Spanish in school, as well as taking dance, gymnastics, and karate.

Some fun facts about Madison:  Right now her favorite TV show is Teen Titans.  She still loves her pasta and steak, but she is starting to like and try more food all the time.  Her favorite color changes on a daily basis.  Sometimes its red, sometimes it purple...I guess it depends on what kind of mood she is in.  She loves to work on her Kindergarten work books and is fantastic at writing all her letters.  Her favorite movie was Frozen, but she is also really into Big Hero Six too.  She loves to dance and you will often find her in the kitchen with her daddy listening to music and dancing all around.  She also loves music!  She knows more lyrics to songs than I do! :)  When you ask her what she wants to be when she grows up she still says Mermaid first, and then doctor or astronaut.

She is a great big sister!  It's been an adjustment, and yes, we have had rough days, but she is constantly concerned about her brother and if he needs anything.  She is always the first to give him a hug and kiss.  And, she is the BEST at making him belly laugh.  

These last five years have flown by!  While the days may seem long, the saying is true, the years are short.  I feel like it was just yesterday that she came into our lives.  This coming fall she is going to be starting kindergarten, which is still hard for me to believe.

Madison, you are an amazing little girl and we can't wait to see what the future holds for you.  You are the light of our lives and we love you more than you will ever know!

To celebrate your birthday, your daddy and I took you out on a special date.  We surprised you and took you to Chuckie-Cheese (which is huge, not a big fan :) )  We ate pizza and played games and just spent time together. We also headed over to Malley's and got a big sundae!  Once we were done with that we headed home and let you open your presents.  It was a really fun evening just celebrating you and who you are!

We LOVE YOU sweet girl!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Six Months on The Books For Jackson!

It's hard to believe that Jack has been with us for six months already! He's such a good mellow baby! Lots of new things happened for him in the last few weeks! He is constantly rolling from back to tummy! He's so close to crawling already! He arches the whole way up and kicks his feet like crazy! As soon as he figures out he has to put his knees up he's going to take off. He's also tried and liked pretty much every baby food out there! His favorites are the vanilla custard with banana, Mac and cheese with sweet potato, the zucchini, corn, pear mix, and the oatmeal mixed berry. While those are his favorites, he finishes anything you give him. He's cutting back on bottles a little now that he's getting food three times a day, but still drinks about 4-5 5oz bottles a day. He started "school" this month and is adjusting pretty well. He doesn't nap much there so he takes a nice car nap as soon as he gets home. He's and awesome sleeper, easily sleeping 12 hours straight at night. His favorite thing to do is still jump in his jumparoo, roll onto his tummy, play with his big sister, and he loves to be tickled! He's got the best belly laugh around!

We love you Jackson Mason Gluvna! These six months have flown by! Wishing time would slow down a little bit!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Madison's 5th Birthday Party!

This year Madison decided that she wanted to have a bowling party!  She loves to go bowling so we figured why not!  We invited all of her friends from school and everyone had a blast! Grammy even flew all the way from Florida to help celebrate! It took FOREVER to bowl a whole game.  Let's be honest, trying to keep a bunch of 5 year olds focused is tough, but everyone had a good time.  The kids bowled one game and then everyone had pizza and cupcakes!  Madison then got to open her presents from her friends.  She loved everything that she got!  Once the party was over, we headed home and had another small party for family and friends.  She got to open more presents and eat more yummy food! 

Thank you everyone for celebrating with us!