Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Snow Pile Fun!

We have had so much snow this year!! It's been crazy! We have huge snow piles all around the house! Madison decided that they were mountains and that she was going to climb them! It was cold but hey, the sun was shinning!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Monster Jam!

We headed off to see Monster Ham this afternoon. We weren't sure how Madison would like it because man, are the trucks loud! She enjoyed it for a little and then was more interested in coloring and just hanging out. It was a great afternoon though and it's always good to get out of the house!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Four Years Old!

Its hard to believe that Madison turned 4 today. While some days may seem long, the weeks, months, and years are flying by. It honestly doesn't seem that along ago that we first brought her home. She brings so much joy and happiness into our lives. I truly don't remember what life was like without her.

At 4, Madison is such a smart girl. She handles herself like a champ is any situation. Her vocabulary is through the roof. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that she is only 4 when we are talking to her. She loves school and is really enjoying dance, gymnastics, and most recently Karate. She is learning to spell and write her name and she is loving practicing that skill. Her favorite TV show has to be Spongebob and she recently has started enjoying Man vs Food and Bizzare Food, which makes this Mama happy!! Depending on the day her favorite food is ravioli, broccoli, or pizza. Her favorite color is still red, but when asked she will tell you red, pink, blue, and purple! A girl just just have one favorite color! She also loves her dog buddy and those two are still the best of friends. She also really enjoys coloring! She could sit for hours and just color away. She is also enjoying playing board games with us and of course her Disney movies!
Madison, mommy and daddy love you so very much! We are amazed at all you have accomplished and enjoy watching you grow and learn everyday!! Happy Birthday sweet girl! We hope you enjoyed your day today!!! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Gymnastics Showcase!

We love Madison's school! The kids have an opportunity to take all kinds of extra classes. Today we were able to see what she had been learning in gymnastics. I was a little worried that she would do it because she froze up last time, but the kid performed! She did fantastical and it's so much fun to see her enjoying the activities at school!!

4 Year Wellcheck!

Today, Madison had her 4 year well check. It's crazy how fast this kids is growing up! She did fantastic, although we have to stop back tomorrow morning for her shots. She weighed in at 33 pounds and 411/4 inces tall!! Growing like a weed. She told her doctor all about school and what she was learning. She was also excited to tell her that she was going to be a big sister! She also had to make sure that she wore her doctors coat just like Dr. G!! It was a great visit!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Girls Day!

On Grammy's last day in town we made it a girls day!! We headed off to Dave and Busters for some games and lunch! Madison got Grammy to ride the roller coaster video thing that is there. I got to stand and laugh! :) once we were all gamed out, we headed off to the mall to do some shopping. Of course we had to stop at build a bear! :) it was a great day and we sure are going to kiss Grammy when she goes back tomorrow!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Curley Hair!

Since Grammy was up for Madison's birthday party and she brought curlers, she decided to see how some curly hair would look on Madison! The girl was all about it. If one came loose she made Grammy fix it! Her hair was damp when she out them in so her hair came out really cute!! I have a feeling I'll be having to do this for Madison all the time now!! :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Cavs Game!

We headed off to the Cavs game tonight!  Madison was so excited to have her friend Molly there! It was a great evening with great company!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Packages and Ice Cream!

Today Madison received her first Birthday package from her Aunt Linda in PA. She had so much fun opening everyhing and really loved all the outfits she got! She held up each one and said "yep, that's my size, I love it"! After that we had some dinner and then decided to take a ride out to Sweet Moses for some tasty ice cream! It was such a fun night!