Sunday, May 10, 2015

Madison's First Broken Bone!

Well, we had one heck of a Mother's Day weekend! We were outside Saturday evening and Madison was playing on her playset out back. She was climbing up the latter and made it all the way to the top and then slipped. It seemed like everyhing was happening in slow motion! I went running and by the time I got to her she was walking towards me holding her arm saying it hurt. I took a look and could immediately tell it was broken. Jon out her in the car and took her to fairview er. Once there they had a trauma team look her over since she fell from so high. Once they were done they did the x-Rays and sure enough her right elbow was dislocated and there was a fracture right above the elbow. They had to transfer us to the Cleveland Clinic main campus downtown so she could have surgery. We got to the clinic at 3:30 am and they scheduled her surgery for 10:30 am. The surgery went great and they put three pins in her arm to hold everything in place. We were even able to come home that afternoon! Madison is such a trooper and is already back at school. It was a very long weekend, however, I feel blessed that it was just her arm. From the height that she fell it easily could have been her neck or spine. Grateful that it was a just her arm and it's only a few weeks in a cast!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Jackson is 9 Months!

Jackson is now 9 months old! I can't believe how quickly time is going. At his 9  month well check he weighed in at 21 pounds and is 28 3/4 inches long! Big boy! He is hitting all of his milestones. He is crawling around like crazy, just not on his knees! We all it the inch worm crawl, he uses his forearms to pull himself around. And man can he do it fast! He is sitting up all on his own and it won't be long before he is pulling up on stuff. He tries, he just hasn't figured it out yet. He still only has his two bottom teeth, but the top two are almost through the gums.  He is a champ at eating! He is taking 5 bottles a day and they are usually 6oz bottles. He loves his baby food and is starting to eat table food, which he LOVES! He is a great sleeper, easily sleeping 12 hours at night. He is also still napping twice a day, once around 10 am and then another 1 hour nap around 3. He loves to laugh and he really loves his big sister!

We love you Jackson and we can't wait to see what the next month brings!