Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Mother's day this year was fantastic!  Jon got Madison up and ready while I got to sleep until 9!  They went and got breakfast and then came home and told me I had to hurry up and get ready!  We all got ready and headed out to the Safari drive through park!  I love this place and so does Madison!  She loves feeding all of the animals!  They added a giraffe this year and she actually got to give it a carrot and touch it's nose!  So cool, and I only got one scratch on my car this year, which is always a plus.  We also got to feed some ducks, which is always fun!  We went and had brunch after that and then spent the rest of the afternoon playing in the yard and planting flowers!  I couldn't have asked for a better day. I am blessed with a wonderful daughter and an amazing husband who I cherish with all of my heart.  I'm also blessed with an amazing mom myself!  She's my best friend and confidant!  I love you mom! 


Did you think I was going to say baby Gluvna #2???  I bet you did, but NO!  I would like to introduce you all to Kermit, our new "pet"!  Aunt Rachel was over last week and we were all playing in the yard.  Madison was looking for flowers and sure enough, we found a frog!  Madison was in LOVE!  She kept making us pick it up and hold it and she kept wanting to give the froggy kisses!  She would set the frog down, watch it jump, and then pick it up again!  Now, every time we go outside we have to look for Kermit!  


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sunny Days and a Water Table!

I love days like today! It's 80 and sunny and what is better then playing with a water table! Madison loves it and it keeps her occupied for at least an hour! Probably one of our best investments!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Feeding the Deer

We had a bag of potatoes that was going to go bad, so we got creative tonight.  We have a huge family of deer that live in the woods behind out house.  Madison loved when they come to "visit".  So we decided that the deer would like to eat potatoes for dinner.  She took one potato out of the bag at a time and would run it back to the woods and set it on the railroad tie for the deer and then run back to the patio to get another potato.  She did that for awhile and then realized it was much easier to take the whole bag out to the woods.  It was funny watching her trying to carry the bag, but she's pretty strong willed and did it all by herself.  Once the potatoes were gone she proceeded to call into the woods to tell the deer dinner was ready. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Another Day at the Zoo

It was a nice day out today, so we headed back to the zoo.  We finally bought our zoo pass for this year.  It was nice to be able to go for a few hours and not have to worry about hitting everything in one day.  Madison had fun seeing the elephants, flamingos, lion, kangaroos, and the highlight of this trip was feeding the birds!  She was actually able to hold the cup and do it herself this year. She had so much fun! We are looking forward to many more trips to the zoo this summer!