We finally got Madison in for her 15 month baby wellness check! We finally have a healthy little girl. Everything check out great and she was such a trooper for her two shots. Jon and I still can't believe she is 15 (almost 16) months now. She has changed so much! She is walking/running all over the place, is trying to master the stairs, and is a really good sleeper! She goes down around 7:30pm and we have to wake her up at 6:30 during the week. She is really nice to us on the weekends and will often times sleep until 8:00 or 8:30. She loves her solid foods. Her favorite right now are any kind of pasta and hot dogs! If we would let her she would either one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She is still on the bottle and this is because she refuses to drink milk from a cup. She will drink it out of the bottle, but not her cup...so her doc said she has to stay on the bottle until we can get her to drink at least 4oz of milk per meal. She has four top teeth, four bottom teeth, on molar that is the entire way through, and the other three are starting to come through her gum. She has been such a trooper through that too! :) Her favorite show is still Yo Gabba Gabba. She will literally drop what ever she is doing when she hears the theme song. She is starting to say a few more words which include, Ma Ma, Da Da, Dog, juice, shoe, turtle, baby, bird, night night, bye bye, and hi. She also LOVES dancing! Anytime she hears music she starts bouncing her little booty! It's way too cute. Here are her 15 month stats:
Head Circumference: 45.8 cm(48% percentile)
Height: 30.5 (47% percentile)
Weight: 20lbs 4oz (10% percentile)
As you can see, we finally hit 20%. Her doc seems to think she is going to be tall and skinny! Daddy is going to have fun chasing the boys away when she gets older. Here are some pics from her appointment.

The doc said to say "ahhhh"

All tuckered out after her shots!

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