Sunday, June 26, 2011
Strawberry "Picking"
Today, Jon and I took Madison strawberry picking! This was so much fun! There is a little farm off of Baumhart Road in Vermillion. It was a wonderful day, we were seriously the only people out in the field. Madison helped up "pick' strawberries. Honestly, she ate more than she put in the bucket. This kid was covered head to toe in strawberry juice! She really enjoyed being able to walk around the large field! This farm also has cherry picking and peach picking so watch for those posts soon!

Cedar Point Take 3!
This Saturday we ventured to Cedar Point again with Jon's Mom and Dad! What a blast! Madison had a great time riding on the rides again. She really loves the Merry Go Round, the balloon ride, Submarine ride, train, and the jeeps. She had a blast playing games with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa even won her a HUGE monkey. I mean, seriously, this thing is huge! He played the game where you have to knock the three cups down with the ball and did it on the second try! Grandpa also won her a huge Cedar Point worm on the game where you have to throw the ball into the basket! Aunt Dawn and Uncle Paul also ventured to Cedar Point. Uncle Paul won Madison a bear the the sledge hammer game, and Aunt Dawn shared her Dippin' Dots with Madison again. It was a wonderful day! :)

Finger Painting
On Father's day I tried to get Madison to finger paint, but she wanted nothing to do with it. Well, this past week after dinner we decided to try it again, and wouldn't you know it, she loved it! She made a beautiful picture! It took her a minute to get into it, but then she really got into it! Here are some pictures of our little Picasso!

Monday, June 20, 2011
One Big Sucker!
Madison's Best Friend Max
Madison's new best friend is my parents dog, Max. Max and Madison went for walks every day and enjoyed playing together. They are great pals and she misses her Max. From what my parents told me, Max misses her. When they got up to leave this morning he was hiding in her room! We miss you Max and Madison can't wait for you to come visit her again!

Father's Day 2011
Father's Day this year was great! :) My parents were here, Jon's mom and dad came over, and we had a nice cookout! Madison made all the Dads a nice stepping stone and we attempted to do finger painting, but she didn't want anything to do with it. Madison and I are so lucky to have Jon and we both love him very much!
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