Well, I wanted to start a blog so I can remember everything and share it with Madison...When she is old enough. Bare with me as I am new to this!! I'm just going to do a brief review of what has happened over the last four months with her!Jon and I met in late summer of 2001. We were engaged within a year, but didn't actually get married until August 5, 2006. It was a crazy ride and I can't believe everything we have been through. Jon has helped me grow as a person and I love him for it.
Last Summer, June 2009, we found out that we were expecting our first little one. We were both so excited!!! Our families were excited two, the first grandchild!! With us being only children, we knew this little one of ours was going to be spoiled!!! In September we found out that we were having a little girl! My pregnancy was not all that bad. I didn't get sick at all, the only thing I could complain about was being tired, so I was lucky!!
At 39 weeks my doctor decided to induce me, which was fine with me because at that point I was done. I wasn't sleeping and had horrible heart burn. I was ready!!! My doctor admitted me at on February 12, 2010 at 3:00pm she broke my water. Within 15 minutes I was asking for them to dose my epidural, which they did. The cath was placed before she broke my water on account of my platlet count, so within a few minutes I was feeling good. at 6:00pm I was ready to push. I pushed for two hours and at 8:04PM February 12, 2010 Madison was born! It was an unreal feeling, we couldn't believe that we finally got to meet our little one! She was perfect. It took me so long to push her out because the little booger was coming out with her hands up on her face. We got to spend some time a lone with our little girl and stare at her before visitors came. My good friends Dawn, Paul, and Timmy were waiting in the waiting room and were some of the first people to meet her. Jon's parents and his aunt Donna were there also. Two weeks after she was born, my parents came up from Florida! They had perfect timing!!! Jon was going back to work so I had another full week of help!!! Thanks Mom and Dad!!!

Last Summer, June 2009, we found out that we were expecting our first little one. We were both so excited!!! Our families were excited two, the first grandchild!! With us being only children, we knew this little one of ours was going to be spoiled!!! In September we found out that we were having a little girl! My pregnancy was not all that bad. I didn't get sick at all, the only thing I could complain about was being tired, so I was lucky!!
At 39 weeks my doctor decided to induce me, which was fine with me because at that point I was done. I wasn't sleeping and had horrible heart burn. I was ready!!! My doctor admitted me at on February 12, 2010 at 3:00pm she broke my water. Within 15 minutes I was asking for them to dose my epidural, which they did. The cath was placed before she broke my water on account of my platlet count, so within a few minutes I was feeling good. at 6:00pm I was ready to push. I pushed for two hours and at 8:04PM February 12, 2010 Madison was born! It was an unreal feeling, we couldn't believe that we finally got to meet our little one! She was perfect. It took me so long to push her out because the little booger was coming out with her hands up on her face. We got to spend some time a lone with our little girl and stare at her before visitors came. My good friends Dawn, Paul, and Timmy were waiting in the waiting room and were some of the first people to meet her. Jon's parents and his aunt Donna were there also. Two weeks after she was born, my parents came up from Florida! They had perfect timing!!! Jon was going back to work so I had another full week of help!!! Thanks Mom and Dad!!!
We got to bring our little girl home on Valentine's Day. I couldn't have asked for a better gift.
We got settled pretty quickly. She was a great sleeper and Jon and I enjoyed every single minute we got to spend with her. We spent most of our days just stairing at her. We couldn't believe how perfect she was.
Since we brought her home, over four months ago, she has been such a good girl. She is rolling from her tummy to her back and can almost make it over from her back to her tummy! She is now eating solids and sitting in her high chair like a big girl. She even grabs the spoon off of me and "feeds" herself. HA! Most of it ends up on her face, in her ears, in her nose, or wherever she may try to stick the spoon! She loved the zoo and we have ventured to Cedar Point already with her and she loved it! We never thought we would be able to make it all day with her, but she was laughing and smiling at everything that was going on. She has also been away from home to visit her great grandma's in PA.
Madie's First Trip to the Zoo
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