Monday, March 30, 2015

Easter Package from Grammy and Gramps!

Madison loves getting packages in the mail, so when a package came in the mail for her and Jack from Grammy and Gramps she was super excited!! She said the Easter Bunny must have dropped the stuff off in Florida early! Both kids made out like bandits! Clothes for both, snacks, stuffed bunnies, and candy! Thank you Grammy and Gramps!

Sunday, March 15, 2015


We had doughnuts this morning for breakfast. While Daddy was eating his Jack kept eyeing it up. Daddy got a little too close and Jack grabbed the rest of it! It was so funny watching suck on the doughnut and lick the frosting. This kid loves to eat and he is enjoying trying new solids! I think doughnuts were a hit!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Gymnastics Showcase

Madison has been taking a little
Gymnastics class at school now for a little over two years. They had their gymnastics showcase tonight and it was so cute. It was great to see her having so much fun and learning so many new things. She smiled the whole time and loved showing off her moves! She did a great job on the balance beam! Love our little champion and all she has accomplished! 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

First ER Visit

Jack had his first trip to the ER this evening. He's been batteling RSV and his fever decided to spike up to 104.7, a little too high for this mommy. We called the pediatrician on call and they wanted us to run him up to get him checked out. They gave him another breathing treatment and watched him for a few hours. He responded well and we were able to come home.  Thank goodness! Poor little man is just miserable and uncomfortable. Hoping this all goes away this week and we can get back to normal! While he may not be feeling good he sure does like to smile! He was smiling and putting on a show for everyone!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Our Own Little Hair Stylist!

While getting ready for Madison's birthday party, I was finishing up cleaning and doing laundry. Madison was sitting nicely coloring at her desk like she usually does. I peaked around the corner only to see her taking her preschool scissors to her hair. She did and awesome hack job to the left side of her hair. I panicked! lol! I was lucky enough to get her within the hour to get her hair fixed up! I have to admit, the new do is cute, but so not the way I would have wanted a new hairstyle to happen!