Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hillcrest Orchard

We headed off to Hillcrest Orchard on Sunday to pick some apples!  It ended up being a really nice day!  The sun was shining and there was a nice cool breeze.  Madison had so much fun running from tree to tree picking apples!  Jackson just hung out again and took in his surroundings!  We even let him lick an apple.  The face he made was priceless!  Once we picked our apples we just walked around and enjoyed the afternoon.  Once we got home Madison helped me make a yummy apple pie!  Fall is just around the corner and this put us in the mood for sweatshirt weather!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Soccer Time!

Madison had her first soccer game this morning! She is playing for Fairview and is on the wildcats! Needless to say it was 55 and rainy, but they all had a blast!! Nothing like falling around and running in the mud! She was so excited that her team won their first game! Looking forward to many more Saturday morning games!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Fist Soccer Practice

Madison had her first soccer practice tonight!  She loved it and did great!  It was so cute to watch all the kids practice and do the drills.  She made some new friends and enjoyed every minute of practice.  They had to run through cones kicking the ball and played red light green light with the soccer ball.  It makes us so happy to see her smiling and running around and enjoying what she is doing.  She can't wait for her first game this Saturday!