Thursday, March 13, 2014

Gifts from Grammy and Gramps!

A package came in the mail today for miss Madison from Grammy and Gramps! There is nothing more this girl loves then to rip open a big box and see what's inside!! Thanks Grammy and Gramps!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Disney Show!

Sunday, we headed off to see Mickey and his friends sing some songs. Daddy wasn't feeling good so it was just me and my girl! We had a good time eating junk food and listening to the music!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Cavs Game Round 2!

We headed off to see another Cavs game this evening! It was a special one since they were retiring Z's number. Madison had so much fun! She even got on of the big Z heads that they were passing out! She really got into the game! Love spending time with family and friends!!

Birthday Party Fun!

This year, we let Madison have a friends birthday party.  With her birthday being in the winter, we wanted to find something fun for the kids to do that wasn't at the house! :)  We decided to have it at Pump-It-Up in Avon, and it was a great choice.  The kids had a blast and got to run and burn off tons of energy!  We went with the glow party, which was a great success!  All the kids loved the glow sticks!  They got to run and jump in the jump houses for an hour and a half and then we had pizza, cake, and a piñata!  Once we got home, we let her stay up late and open up her presents.  She just couldn't wait until the morning!  Everyone was so generous!  Madison had such a great time, and we couldn't thank everyone enough for coming!  It was a great party!