Friday, February 15, 2013

Three Year Well Check

Madison had her three year well check yesterday. She is doing fantastic. She weighed in at 28 pounds 8 ounces, and was 37.5 inches tall. She grew four inches in one year. She is right in track with everything. Some fun facts about Madison at three: her favorite shows right now are Spongebob and Scooby Doo. She also still really loves Mickey Mouse. Her favorite foot is by far prime rib. She loves to go to the Texas Road House. She eats like a little piggy when we go there. She also really loves her chicken fingers and French fries and always requests ketchup! Her vocabulary is fantastic. The stuff that comes out of her mouth sometimes cracks us up. Her favorite saying is "I told you three time" which is said while holding up three fingers. Wonder where she gets that saying from :) she can also be heard saying "whatever"! She should be interesting as a teenager! Lol. She loves being out and about and will tell you where she wants to go and what she wants to do. He is signed up for gymnastics and dance class and is loving both. You will often times find her dancing around the house or doing her tumbles downstairs. She is also able to count to 20, although we sometimes skip 13 and 16. SHe can count to 10 in both Spanish and French and can even sing some songs in French. Potty training wise, we are doing pretty good. She is infancy pants all day with very few accidents! We are so proud of her! We can't wait to see what this next year holds. She continues to amaze us on a daily basis. Below are some pictures from her doctors appointment. We were having some fun before the doctor came it!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Birthday Celebration: Blue Man Group Style!

Yesterday was Madison's actual birthday, so of course we had to do something fun! We headed to dinner at Madison's favorite place, The Texas Roadhouse, with Memaw, Papa, and Aunt Donna. Madison got to have her favorite food, prime rib, and they sang happy birthday to her and gave her a bowl of ice cream. Then daddy, Madison, and myself headed to The Blue Man Group! Daddy got us front row seats! We even had to wear ponchos ! Madison absolutely loved the show! She was so into it! She was even put up on the big screen during one of the songs. We got sprayed with paint, smashed bananas and paper! Madison had a wonderful birthday and said she wanted to see "blue man" again! Happy Birthday Madison! We love you so much! We can't believe you are three already!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Madison's 3rd Birthday Party - Minnie Mouse Style

On Saturday, we celebrated Madison's third birthday with family and friends.  She's really into Minnie Mouse, so we decorated the house with all kinds of Minnie Mouse stuff.  She even got to wear her pretty Minnie Mouse dress again.  The guest list included Mommy, Daddy, Grammy, Gramps, Memaw, Papa, Aunt Donna, Aunt Amanda, Aunt Rachel, Uncle Ryan, Luke, Uncle Timmy, Amie, Uncle Sean, Amanda's Mom, Rachel's Mom and of course Buddy :)  Everyone was so kind to her this year.  She got a ton of cool Minnie Mouse stuff, and iPad mini, bounce house, easy bake oven, Scooby Doo stuff, games, play doh, an awesome Minnie Mouse rain coat with matching sun glasses, a cotton candy machine, clothes, craft stuff, train table, and so much more.  We are so blessed to have so many people in our lives that love Madison, and we don't know what we would do without all of you.  There was a ton of food!  We set up a hot dog bar and sandwich bar, pasta salad, broccoli salad, deviled eggs, amazing macaroni and cheese balls, crab dip, rice krispy treats two ways, and amazing cupcakes from Aunt Amanda.  There was also a pinata full of candy, which was a huge hit.  Again, we can't thank everyone enough.  We are blessed and lucky to have all of you in our lives.