Wednesday, February 29, 2012
65 and Sunny in February?!
65 degrees in February, in Cleveland...YES PLEASE!!!! It was absolutely beautiful outside today! I hurried home from work and we headed over to Clauge Park to feed some ducks! Madison was so excited! Before we got in the car to go she was literally jumping up and down in the driveway screaming "feed the ducks, Quack, Quack". HILARIOUS!! She had a blast feeding the ducks some bread and also enjoyed sitting on the rocks and just watching them. I am hoping the weather doesn't get nasty again, but hello, it's Cleveland. I'm sure it is going to snow tomorrow or something, but it was wonderful to get a taste of warmer weather today!

Car Show
Sunday, to get out of the house we decided to head to the car show. I "might" be in the market for a new ride, so what better place to look at all the options! Madison had a blast running wild throughout the IX center. I really like the Chevy Equinox, so we shall see!!! Madison like it too!! I'm teaching her to tell daddy "Mamma needs a new car"! :)

This past weekend, Madison had her first experience with Build-A-Bear. We headed out to Strongsville mall to make a "bear". Madison was very excited the whole way there. She kept saying "build bear". When we got there, she quickly chose to make a Hello Kitty, which she promptly named Meow. She was really into it. The only thing she didn't want to do was push the petal to put the stuffing in. She picked out her little hear to put inside of Meow and gave it a kiss. She also had fun picking out clothes for Meow. She was very proud of herself. We then headed over the food court so Madison could have her favorite meal...Noodles and ice cream for desert. It was a great evening out with the girls! Thanks Aunt Amanda and Aunt Dawn for coming with us!

Friday, February 24, 2012
Jelly Beans Anyone?
So, I think jon and I need to get out more. The poor dog has become our source of entertainment after Madison goes to bed. We were happily chewing on some jelly beans that were left over from Madison's party when Jon noticed Buddy was sleeping. Below is what the dog had to endure for our entertainment. Note: he didn't even wake up!
What is it with two year olds?
Okay, so since Madison has turned two, what like two weeks ago, she has mastered the art of procrastination. No joke, you tell her to do something and he either says "one more minute", or "I cook, color, play". Really any activity she can think of to do besides what you need her to do. While it can be frustrating, I can't help but laugh. I snapped this picture of her this morning after I had to tell her 10,000 times to put her coat on. The other picture is yesterday morning when she was giving me a hard time about brushing her teeth. She literally was looking at me "crying", yes our child is already fake crying, and hen turned around and gave jon this smile like "look daddy, I'm making mommy work for it today!"
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Valentine's Day and Two Year Well Check
What an awesome Valentine's Day this year! Madison got to wear her beautiful dress Uncle Timmy got her today to school. We also made little cards for her class mates along with some really cool suckers. She got a full bag full of little cards and candy today also. Jon and I picked her up at school at 2:00 for her 2 year well check. I was feeling pretty bad because I thought the kid was going to need some shots. That's not a very nice present for Valentine's day, but the lucky girl didn't need any! She just got her finger pricked to check her iron levels!! She didn't even cry, and thought the band aid was a sticker, so all was well. Her doctor was really impressed with all of Madison's progress and gave her compliments on her language skills. I must say, it is really impressive that the kid can speak in full short sentences. She got a clean bill of health. We just have to finish up her antibiotic for a recent sinus infection. She is still on the small side in weight. She weighed in at 22lbs, 12oz, which is in the 5th percentile. Her doctor was glad that she finally put on some weight, and she is right on her curve. She is now 33 1/2 inches tall and her head circumference was 47.2 cm (42% for height and HC). We are basically going to have a tall skinny kid on our hands! God help us when she starts dating! We came home and Madison had some presents to open from Grammy and Gramps! She had a blast and was once again spoiled with some candy, clothes, paints, and stickers.

Sunday, February 12, 2012
Two Years Old
Wow! Today Madison turned two years old. At two years old, Madison is a loving, sweet, funny, intelligent little girl. Her vocabulary is through the roof and she is speaking in three to four word sentences. Signing the ABC's is one of her favorite things and just recently she started counting from 1 to 10. She still loves playing with her blocks and cooking in her kitchen that she got for Christmas. Her puppy, Buddy, is one of her best friends and they play all the time. She is still sleeping in her crib, and at this point we are in no hurry to put her into a toddler bed. She has yet to attempt to escape, so why mess with a good thing. She is still an awesome sleeper, going down around 8:00pm and having to be woken up at 6:30am during the week, and often sleeping until 8:30 or sometimes 9:00 on the weekends! Score for Mommy and Daddy on that one! She is still a very picky eater, which can be a challenge! Her diet consists of pasta, chicken fingers, milk, french fries, ice cream, carrots, peas, and any kind of fresh fruit. Right now, Bananas are her favorite. She is not potty trained yet, but we are moving in the right direction with that one. She has used the potty a few times, but hasn't really shown a real interest so I am not going to push the issues. Her favorite place right now is Chuckie Cheese. She would go there every day if we would take her. She also is really into chapstick right now and actually has a purse full of it. Her favorite shows right now are Tom and Jerry and still Yo Gabba Gabba. She can name all of the characters and has each character that she sleeps with in her crib. She is a stubborn little girl, knowing exactly what she wants and wants to do it by herself. We definitely have our moments, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. She can put a smile on your face no matter what she is doing!
Today to celebrate on her actual birthday we headed to lunch at Dave and Busters. She had a blast playing all of the games and actually won 1,000 tickets on the frogger game. That is the second time she has done that! We had a nice lunch, played a few more games and then came home for a nap. When she woke up she played a little and then we headed to dinner with Aunt Rachel and Uncle Ryan to her other favorite restaurant, The Moo (Harry Buffalo). She had some pasta (of course) and had a bowl of ice cream.

These past two years have flown! I can't wait to see what two has in store for us. We love you Madison!!! Happy Second Birthday sweet girl!!
Today to celebrate on her actual birthday we headed to lunch at Dave and Busters. She had a blast playing all of the games and actually won 1,000 tickets on the frogger game. That is the second time she has done that! We had a nice lunch, played a few more games and then came home for a nap. When she woke up she played a little and then we headed to dinner with Aunt Rachel and Uncle Ryan to her other favorite restaurant, The Moo (Harry Buffalo). She had some pasta (of course) and had a bowl of ice cream.
These past two years have flown! I can't wait to see what two has in store for us. We love you Madison!!! Happy Second Birthday sweet girl!!
Madison's 2nd Birthday Party!
I can hardly believe that our little girl is two years old! I guess the saying "time flies when you are having fun" is true. We celebrated Madison's 2nd birthday this Saturday with family and friends. I would like to take the time to thank each and every one of you that came to celebrate. Everyone that was here is very dear to our hearts and this party wouldn't have been possible without each and every one of you! The only people that were missing this year were Grammy and Gramps! They were not able to make it this year due to Grammy's surgery, and they were missed terribly! Our theme this year was "Candy Land". Let me start off by saying there was candy all over the house! We even had a great big Plex pinata from Grammy and Gramps! (and yes mom and dad, we filled the dang thing!) We also had home made chocolate from aunt Rachel, dum dum tree sucker trees, huge pixie sticks, a jelly belly bar, candy lipsticks, cookies, rainbow jello from Aunt Amanda, and big lollipops for everyone. We also had a pasta bar with two types of noodles and sauces, sausage, meatballs, and a whole bunch of appetizers that everyone made. All of the food was wonderful and all of the decorations came out great! Madison had a blast this year. She really got into it and was even saying "Happy Birthday, Madie". It was really cute. She loved when everyone sang to her and even blew out her own candles this year. She got a lot of wonderful stuff, including an awesome table and chairs from Aunt Rachel and Uncle Ryan, a wonderful cozy coupe from Aunt Dawn and Uncle Paul, and awesome MP3 player from Aunt Amanda, adorable outfits from Uncle Timmy, Lynn and Amie, a drum set from Memaw and PaPa, a purse, Elmo doll, and a healthy donation to her investment from Grammy and Gramps, books, precious moments, and other donations for her bank account. We are incredibly blessed with wonderful family and amazing friends. Warning: a ton of pictures to follow!!

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