Sunday, January 29, 2012
Shrinky Dinks
This week we busted out the shrinky dinks for Madison to do! Aunt Dawn and Uncle Paul brought over some pizza and then we got down to business! Madison had a blast coloring them and it seriously took me back to my childhood! :) Daddy and Uncle Paul even colored some with us! We ran into a slight problem while baking them...the dang things kept curling in on themselves and never flattened out, but we still had a really good time!

Cleveland Aquarium
Last weekend we headed off to check out the new aquarium they built downtown. We got there right when they opened on Sunday and to our surprise, there weren't too many people there. To put it nicely, we were not impressed at all. It wasn't as big as we thought it was going to be and they really didn't have too much there. Madison also wasn't to impressed as we made it through the whole place in less than a half an hour. The only thing she really got into was petting a horseshoe crab. There weren't to many tanks that were on kids level. Regardless, it was fun to get out as a family and go and do something.

Canvas Painting
Pintrest has done it again! I saw this really cute idea where you tape out your child's name and then let them finger paint over it. Madison had a blast with this. She actually sat and painted for a good half hour. It also helped that Aunt Rachel and Aunt Amanda let her paint all over their hands too! :) While we were painting the boys were busy in the back yard making a sledding ramp...they literally took all the snow in the back yard and piled it up. By the time they were finished Madison was in bed asleep, but they had fun using it! :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Potty Training???
Well, this week has been awesome so far!! On Tuesday, after dinner, Jon took Madison up to get her PJs on and brush teeth. While they were up there she said "potty" so Jon put her on her little duck potty. Wouldn't you know it, she went pee pee!!!! And not just a little, I mean like a real pee!!! We made such a big deal out of it!!!!She was so proud of herself and started clapping and dancing! Then, tonight, after dinner she went pee pee on the potty again! We came downstairs to play and she we asked her if she had to go poppy. She made a run for the stairs and to the bathroom we went. We were in there for less than five minutes and BINGO, our first poppy on the potty! I think it actually scared her a little bit. She stood up, looked, and started saying "ewwww, gross, yucky" and looked a little upset. Jon came up and we started singing and making a huge fuss! She also got a treat for going on the potty!!! Daddy gave her a huge sucker!! We are hoping this is the start of saying goodbye to diapers!!!
Rainbow Cake and Mason Jars
Okay, so Pintrest has totally got me addicted! I swear, way to many cute things to do! I saw the idea of making a rainbow cake in mason jars and we gave it a try this past weekend! They came out so stinkin' cute! Madison had a blast making her own mason jar cake and mixing up all the colors! Thanks Rachel, Dawn, and Amanda for coming over and helping with this! Uncle Timmy also came over and played with Madison while the cakes cooked!

Fun with Buddy!
Last week Madison and Buddy had a blast! She loves to listen to music with him and dance with him! She also has discovered that she can pull him in her little wagon and has also discovered that she can fit in there with him! Daddy has been having fun pulling them both around in the kitchen! Buddy is fitting in really well and takes all of Madison's "loving" in stride. She can do anything to him (and she usually does) and he just gives her kisses!

Sunday, January 8, 2012
Madisn's First Haircut!
Today was the day, we took Madison for her first haircut. She was starting to look a little bit like Justin Beiber with the hair she was sporting! LOL! We took her to Snip Its in Rocky River. That place was wonderful! Madison walked right up to the chair and didn't cry one bit! They gave her a sucker and a little puppy to hold and even turned on a little TV for her! We were so proud of her and she kept looking at herself saying "pretty"! She got some cute bangs and a little layering in the back! No more Justin Beiber hair for her!

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