Monday, April 25, 2011
Madison's Helmet
So, our child figured out that her turtle, who's shell has shapes on it, fits perfectly on her head. She now proceeds to put this on her head and walk around and giggle. What a special little girl! I will say, Jon and I are kind of glad she has it on because it protects her head when she either falls or walks into things! LOL! We caught it on camera tonight!

Easter Sunday 2011
This Easter was a lot of fun!!!Madison sure was spoiled this Easter. She got Easter baskets from Mommy and Daddy, Grammy and Gramps, Aunt Dawn and Uncle Paul, Aunt Amanda, Aunt Donna, and Grandma and Grandpa. We got Madison up, had a little breakfast, got dressed, and then wouldn't you know it, the Easter Bunny had left some eggs and a basket for Madison! :) She is really starting to pick up on concepts. She was picking up her Easter eggs and putting them in her basket. She would get a little distracted by shaking the eggs and getting candy out, but all in all, she got it. We then went over to Jon's parents for a nice Easter lunch. Here are some pictures of Madison in her pretty Easter dress.

Sidewalk Chalk
This past Saturday it was actually pretty nice out. The sun came out for a little, so outside we went to play with some sidewalk chalk. Madison is starting to get the idea of holding the chalk and "drawing". Fun little side story to these pictures, you will notice in some of them a wet spot on our driveway. Madison popped a squat and peed out of the side of her diaper. Needless to say, we laughed and laughed and laughed. The kid has a way about getting her business out the side of her diaper. Anyways, we had a good time playing outside for a few hours! We can't wait for some nice warm weather!
Easter Egg Fun
On Good Friday we let Madison have a little fun coloring Easter Eggs. Jon's mom and dad, his aunt Donna, Timmy, Ryan, and Rachel came by. The older "kids" did Pysanky, which has become a yearly tradition. Madison enjoyed using the PAAS coloring! She actually got the concept of pick up the egg, put it in the cup, and then take it out. I hard boiled two dozen eggs for her, and not a single one made it through the process....It was a blast! She had a good time listening to the egg go CRACK! The older she gets the more fun holidays are becoming! Here are some pictures of Madison coloring her Easter eggs!

Monday, April 18, 2011
Childrens Museum
This past weekend we took Madison to the Children's Museum. While she is still a little bit too little to do some of the activities there, she really enjoyed playing in the "barn". She decided it was fun to carry around a little stuffed pig. She was enjoying watching all the bigger kids play. They also have a room there that is full of sand. She wasn't to sure about walking in it, but we found a place for her to sit and play. All was going well until some jerk 6 or 7 year old walked up to her and said "dump sand on the baby" and then proceeded to dump a large shovel full of sand all over her. Needless to say his parents were no where to be found. Then, the kid came back and dumped sand all over Jon! Geez! That pretty much ended the trip. Madison was crying hysterically and didn't want to play in the sand anymore. I really wish that kids parents were around because they would have gotten an ear full!! After she had a bottle, we then took her to the west side market to get some fresh veggies and fruit! She really enjoyed looking at all of the stuff there as well as all of the people. All in all it was a good weekend. Here are some pictures for your enjoyment!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Fun in the Sun!
This past Sunday it was so nice outside! The sun was shining and it was nice and warm. Yes, folks, Jon finally took down our Christmas lights! We are those people! LOL!! It was just the light that were on the roof, but still, it is April. Madison had a wonderful time playing outside. She walked up and down the sidewalk, from the front yard to the back yard, and then up and down the driveway. We were outside for over five hours, we even ate our dinner outside. Needless to say, she was out like a light Sunday night! :) We are hoping the weather will get nice again soon. Now all she does is stand at the door and point to get out! Here are some pictures of us playing on Sunday!
Following Daddy Around!
Following Daddy Around!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Pickle on a Stick and an Icee
That's right, Pickle on a stick and a cherry Icee! Yesterday we took Madison to IX Indoor Amusement park. Rachel came with us, and we had a blast! LOL, it was some good people watching to say the least. Aunt Rachel even won Madison a big stuffed pink monkey! Thanks Aunt Rachel, it was just what she needed! :) Anyways, Madison has had a thing for pickles lately. So, when we got food, they had these huge pickles on a stick for $1.00 so we got her one! Man, that kid at 3/4 of that huge pickle! As she was eating it she kept saying "MMMMM" Then Jon got a cherry Icee and needless to say she enjoyed that as well. Poor Daddy didn't even get to drink much of it! :) She even got to have some cotton candy before we went home! We didn't take Madison on anything because, seriously, the lines were as long as the lines for the rides at Cedar Point. Insane! It was a good day!!
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