Well it has been a crazy few weeks here at the Gluvna house! Last week Madison went in for an allergy appointment and next thing we know we have appointments with a cardiologist and a sweat test for cystic fibrosis. The allergist heard a heart murmur and since Madison has had so many respiratory issues she thought it would be a good idea to test for cystic fibrosis. The cardiologist appointment went really well. She has a still's murmur and it should correct itself as she get older. We didn't even have to schedule a follow-up appointment. She was supposed to have the cystic fibrosis test on St. Patty's day, but decided getting a stomach virus would be much more fun. She goes back for the rescheduled test this Thursday. We spoke with her pediatrician and she reviewed Madison's newborn screening and there were no indications of CF, so this test on Thursday is just to be sure nothing fell through the cracks.
She has been doing much better since Friday. She started sleeping through the night again and is moving all over the place. She has started to stand without pulling up on anything and figured out how to open our kitchen cabinets. We also had a few nice days here were it hit 60 degrees so we walked around the driveway and pushed her around in her little car. She now picks up her shoes and walks towards to the door to let us know that she wants to go outside. We also wanted to thank everyone for keeping her in their prayers. It means a lot to us and to Madison. We are blessed with an amazing family and amazing friends! We love you all! Below are some pictures of Madison having some fun around the house! Enjoy!
Helping Daddy take out the recycling!

Come on Mom and Dad, I wanna go outside!