Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Madison Update

Well it has been a crazy few weeks here at the Gluvna house! Last week Madison went in for an allergy appointment and next thing we know we have appointments with a cardiologist and a sweat test for cystic fibrosis. The allergist heard a heart murmur and since Madison has had so many respiratory issues she thought it would be a good idea to test for cystic fibrosis. The cardiologist appointment went really well. She has a still's murmur and it should correct itself as she get older. We didn't even have to schedule a follow-up appointment. She was supposed to have the cystic fibrosis test on St. Patty's day, but decided getting a stomach virus would be much more fun. She goes back for the rescheduled test this Thursday. We spoke with her pediatrician and she reviewed Madison's newborn screening and there were no indications of CF, so this test on Thursday is just to be sure nothing fell through the cracks.

She has been doing much better since Friday. She started sleeping through the night again and is moving all over the place. She has started to stand without pulling up on anything and figured out how to open our kitchen cabinets. We also had a few nice days here were it hit 60 degrees so we walked around the driveway and pushed her around in her little car. She now picks up her shoes and walks towards to the door to let us know that she wants to go outside. We also wanted to thank everyone for keeping her in their prayers. It means a lot to us and to Madison. We are blessed with an amazing family and amazing friends! We love you all! Below are some pictures of Madison having some fun around the house! Enjoy!

Helping Daddy take out the recycling!

Come on Mom and Dad, I wanna go outside!

Madison's First Flower Delivery

Madison had a nice surprise today! She had her first flowers delivered to the house! Her wonderful Aunt Amanda was thinking about the little one and just wanted to send some love her way! Thank you Aunt Amanda! She absolutely LOVED them. I must say, I let her play with them a little bit!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dinner and a Game of Peek-a-Boo

So, this week so far has been a rough one. Madison started with a fever this past Sunday and today has just started to let up. Well, since she was feeling better she was more than happy to eat dinner tonight. We heated up one of the Gerber meals for her which was pizza shaped noodles with mixed veggies. Well she devoured the noodles and some of veggies. There were no more noodles left so she started throwing a hissy fit. I let her have a little fun with her food night. She liked the sauce that they noodles were in so I let her stick her hands in it and lick her fingers. Needless to say, I didn't think a game of peek-a-book would ensue. The kid was literally covered in sauce. We got some great pictures and some good ones of the bath that of course had to follow! We are glad she is feeling a little better and are happy that for the first time since she has been born we made it through an illness without having to go to the doctor or the hospital! First are always great! :)

Madison's one year photos

Well, we finally did it, we got her 1 year pictures done! The kid was finally healthy enough to get them done. We really had to work for these ones. She wasn't to happy with me putting her down and the only way we could get the first couple was if she was allowed to hold a teddy bear. All in all I think they came out pretty darn good!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Random Happenings

We really haven't been up to too much! Madison is still feeling well, but the weather has been weird here, warm and then cold, so we have been keeping her inside! We are hoping to keep her healthy for awhile! She has, however, really been enjoying playing with all of the new toys she got for her birthday. She is eating really well and is back up to four or five bottles a day eating 6oz a feeding. We are going to be introducing milk here soon and working on getting rid of the bottle. The only things she has been having trouble with is sleeping through the night. She was doing really well and it seems that since she was sick waking up through the night is fun! We are working on breaking this habit! Here are just a few pictures of Madison having fun!

Madison's One Year Well Check

Finally, we got Madison to her One year well check last Thursday. She is such a little peanut. She weighed 18lbs 6oz and was 28 3/4 inches tall. She really does keep us on our toes! When the nurse went to weigh her she was not happy at all, and decided to show she wasn't happy by peeing all over the scale! Wonderful. This appointment was pretty rough because it was right during her normal nap time, but she did great. Cried when she got her shots, but that is to be expected. We are going to start her on milk pretty soon! We have to get some weight on this little girl! She is feeling much better and eating like a little pig so we are hoping she'll gain a little weight! Here are some pictures from her appointment!

Madison's Smash Cake!